COVID-19:Health and Measure Undertaken

In view of the COVID-19 worldwide outbreak and in full adherence to the World Health Organisation’s recommendations, as well as Malaysia’s rules and regulations, we would like to share some of the precautionary and required measures to be undertaken at our homestay when it reopens. Please note that these measures are not exhaustive and could change as and when new rules and regulations are decreed.

Action / Brief description from MOTAC (Ministry of Tourism and Culture)
Social spacing
• Social spacing are available such as 1 metre on floor and 2-metre between tables and chairs in areas such as dining hall and common areas.
• 7 Pax is allowed in our van at one time.
Cleaning and infection
• Cleansing and infection process will be carried out throughout the time especially in common areas such as rooms, toilet, accommodation, dining room and recreation area.
• Hand sanitizer provided at common area.
• Vehicle will be sanitized before and after picking up and drop off.
Preparation of guidelines for tourists
• Providing guidelines on “Do” and Don’t ‘ s “in the premises regarding the preventive measures of the plague of COVID-19.
Health screening
• Provide a body temperature screening or thermal scanner.
• Conducting screening to detect symptoms related to COVID-19 such as fever, cough, sore throat, or breath every day.
• Temperature screening will be made on employees and customers every time before being allowed to attend a briefing activity.
• People with temperature of more than 37.5 °c or symptoms are not allowed to make an activity and need to seek treatment at health facilities.
Health report (on-site and staff)
• Report to the nearest health office in the event of large number of employee absences (more than 5% of employee’s total) for fever or symptom.
• Employees with temperature of more than 37.5 C or symptoms are not allowed to make an activity and need to seek treatment at health facilities and are not allowed to attend work.
Limit of number
• Limiting the number of users to a maximum of 50% capacity for each session subject to the suitability of the place to comply with social spacing
Compliance and monitoring control by staff on duty
• Maximum group size of seven guests for hiking to the waterfalls or bamboo cooking.
Our guidelines before/upon arrival
1. Temperature check for all guests upon arrival or during the pickup from the hotel/airport.
2. Social distancing of at least one metre to adhered always.
3. All guest must wear mask all time especially in common /public area, or when interacting with
the staff and before entering the vehicle as well.
4. Cars sanities after each trip.
5. Hand sanitisers placed in all public areas.
Internally Saloma’s Villagestay has also taken stringent precautionary to overcome the virus such as:
– Every employee’s temperature will be checked when they report for duty
– Any employee displaying even mild symptoms is immediately quarantined and tested
– All employees will always wear masks
– Social distancing is always adhered to and monitored constantly
– Every transport vehicle is sanitized after each trip
We hope these measures will reassure you of our commitment to your health and well-being so that you will be able to enjoy your stay in our rainforest paradise without worry.