Saloma Queen of the Jungle

From the moment Saloma arrived to pick us up at the curb outside the hotel, we knew we were in for a special experience. We loaded our bags into the back of her spotless white rental car and drove toward the jungle outside of Kuching. Saloma’s smile and enthusiasm put us immediately at ease — not […]

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Salomavillagestay featured in

With a rainforest that’s nearly the same size as Austria and more than 20 different indigenous ethnic groups, Sarawak is not only Malaysia’s largest state but also one of its most intriguing. Monocle visited Sarawak to enjoy the region’s natural beauty and to look at where the state’s future lies. Watch Monocle’s video in which Salomavillagestay is […]

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SALOMA’S VILLAGESTAY renovation few hands & a lot of motivation. “For the first time, I am glad to see my dreams will come true. And I would like to send my personal gratitude to each of you here. For those who were there before the beginning of Saloma’s Villagestay. I dedicate this album to you […]

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