At our homestay we do cook with fresh organic ingredients picked in the Rainforest or our Farm. We use bamboo & open fire wood for some of the recipes. Here are some of the Malaysian dishes we do eat daily and serve to our guests beautifully illustrated with SK Jong pictures.
Fried tapioca leaves
Ingredients: Dawun Badung / Bunga Sikareh/ Bunga Tippu/ Buwak Semerang
Recipe: Shred dawun bandung into a coarse pulp. Fry pounded red onions, garlic, semerang and serai with tippu until yellowish in color. Add the shreded dawun badung. Mix well and add separated bunga sikareh and tebu sambar. Fry for 5 minutes. Serve.
Grilled Muwang (Mbud Muwang)
Ingredient: Mbud Muwang
Recipe: Grill whole on medium open fire for 30 minutes till thorny skin shrinks. Remove skin. Add salt if desired.
Rukan Seeds Soup (Buwak Rukan Sup)
Ingredients: Mbud Tugu Rukan/ Buwak Rukan / Buwak Rada
Recipe: Put bawak rugan, tuku rukan, serai, and raee in water and boil. Add puyak and dawun takas. Leave for 3 minutes. Serve
Kampung Chicken in Bamboo or Siyok Buruk
Ingredients: Bawang Tusai/ Dawun Timun/ Dawun Pereh / Bunga Tippu /Dawun Jak-kang.
Recipe: Stuff tipu into the bottom of bamboo followed by chicken. Cook over medium fire to boiling point. Add the rest of the ingredients and cook for 45 minutes. Serve.